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Support Ukraine

Hello Team!
As many of you already know, on February 24th Russia invaded Ukraine and is waging a vicious and unprovoked war against the people of Ukraine. Every day, I see apartment buildings and schools in my native town Kharkiv hit with missiles. Today’s images of bombed out hospitals, power plants, and train stations is shaking me to the core. 
As an immigrant  from Kharkiv, Ukraine I consider myself incredibly lucky that I made a decision to immigrate to USA. My decision allows me to put my kids tonight not in the shelter of the subway but in beds, or worry about air sirens and cluster bombs.

As the crisis unfolds and people around the world watch the war escalate in real-time, many are left wondering how they can help. Our actions might be minor, but the minor actions of millions is what brings a more just world. We have to take minor actions and my hope that as others do the same, we can live in a more just and peaceful world.

I founded a kids fund UKIDS (NPO) supporting children and women in Ukraine with humanitarian and medical aid.

UKIDS FUND is on the ground in the U.S. delivering essential humanitarian aid to the children hospitals and children’s communities in Ukraine. Your donation today helps this life-saving work.

Our kids are facing the war. It means hunger, poverty, danger, no healthcare, loss of education and fear. Million of Ukrainian children are living in the most lethal war zones, experiencing unspeakable horrors with devastating and life change consequences. They are in desperate need of care and protection.

While we are actively work in the hardest-to-reach places, where it’s toughest to be a child. But we need your help to make our efforts go even further!

This has been personally exhausting to me and while you might not have a personal connection to Ukraine, I am sure this weighs on you. Please remember to take care of yourself! If you need anything at all, or want to chat about the situation in Ukraine, please don’t hesitate to reach out. 
I leave you with a video capturing the beauty of my birthplace as a break from the images on TV:
Slava Ukraini!

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